Friday, January 23, 2009

Taiwan Snack

So finally I gave in to the tempation of Taiwan's snacks. First, is this tiny noodle like snack that is very yummy.
Then there is the pea crackers that is not so yummy. Yes, I got it just out of curiousity
If you want a healthier alternative, these grass cereal that I bought for my mum looks ok.
Or maybe almond with "Hazlnut" powdered drink :p
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Puzzle Floor

Apparently common in Taiwan, puzzle flooring! Made of mouse-pad foam (or a rough-cheap-carpet-like material), these squares are popular for people to line up their floor with. I did with my traso tiles because it's getting too chilly in the winter for my feet! These things are available from the corner shop; 10 tiles of 40cm each for 4 bucks in various colour. Funky hey? Should have got the orange ones .. !

Friday, January 02, 2009

Taiwanese Flag

In the attempt to stir up a controversy, Daniel had the idea of taking picture with Taiwanese flag and bringing it to China to show his chinese girlfriend. So I follow suit with this picture. It was a rainy day.. and yet we stayed strong and showed our patriotism :p
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